September 15, 2023

How does your debt collection strategy stack up against your competitors?


In the dynamic realm of debt collections, precise measurement of success isn’t just valuable – it’s an absolute necessity for lending institutions and their esteemed partners. Within this intricate terrain, debt collection platforms emerge as the linchpin for recovering outstanding debts and revitalising creditors’ financial stability. At spocto, we proudly spearhead a new era of unparalleled excellence, fortified by a comprehensive array of metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that elevate the assessment of collection teams and platforms to unprecedented heights.

Navigating the Path to Triumph: Harnessing the Force of Metrics in Debt Collections

In a world driven by data, lending institutions must recognize the pivotal role of measuring success in debt collections. At spocto, we illuminate the critical path by unveiling the pivotal metrics and KPIs that form the bedrock of evaluating debt collection platforms. We empower stakeholders to harness these insights, fostering a palpable surge in performance and outcomes that redefine industry benchmarks.

A Symphony of Data-Driven Excellence: Strengthening Collections with KPIs

Here at spocto, our core philosophy revolves around an unwavering commitment to a data-driven culture. We empower debt collection teams not just to succeed, but to excel. Armed with the formidable power of metrics and KPIs, we enable optimization, enhance customer journeys, mitigate risks, and foster enduring, sustainable growth. Our platform stands as a beacon of innovation, illuminating a transformative path forward.


Explore the heart of spocto’s prowess as we reveal a selection of paramount metrics that underscore triumphant debt collections:

  • Days Past Due (DPD): An essential compass for delinquency, DPD measures the duration a payment remains overdue, enabling timely strategic actions in response to delayed payments.
  • Average Days Delinquent (ADD): Offering panoramic insights, ADD provides a comprehensive view of collections prowess by gauging the ability to recover payments from overdue accounts. The industry average for ADD reduction is 20%, while top performers achieve 30% or more.
  • Collection Rate (RoR %): The Collection Rate crystallizes recovery success, showcasing the percentage of outstanding debt reclaimed within a specific timeframe. Leading agencies achieve Collection Rates exceeding 85%.
  • Percentage of Outbound Calls Resulting in Promise to Pay (PTP): PTP signifies the art of securing borrower commitments for future payments. Top-tier agencies consistently achieve a PTP rate of 25% or higher.
  • Right Party Contacts Rate (RPC): RPC unveils the efficacy of reaching and engaging with the correct party, driving conversations toward meaningful debt resolution. A superior RPC rate exceeds 50%, indicating precision in contact strategies.
  • Connect Rate: Magnifying outreach mastery, Connect Rate highlights the percentage of successful call connections, spotlighting efficacy in engagement. Best-in-class agencies boast Connect Rates surpassing 70%.
  • Non-Contactable Rate: A testament to precision in contact strategies, the Non-Contactable Rate empowers optimization by shedding light on unreachability insights. Leading agencies maintain a Non-Contactable Rate below 10%.

spocto: Leading the Charge in Debt Collection Mastery

With unwavering determination, spocto is reshaping the narrative of debt collections. We propel lenders, debt collection teams, and borrowers into an era of unparalleled empowerment. As pioneers in this transformative journey, we redefine success in debt collections, unearthing unmatched efficiency, enduring customer relationships, and resounding accomplishment. Join us as we pave the way into an era where data reigns supreme and debt collection excellence knows no boundaries.

Measure Up to Your Competition with spocto

Discover the pinnacle of debt collection mastery through spocto. Embark on a journey where metrics become your greatest asset, and success becomes your legacy. Are you ready to outpace your competition and set new standards of excellence in debt collections? Partner with spocto and let’s lead the way together.

September 15, 2023

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